Standardized management of field activities executed globally

Enel is the largest Italian multinational utility company in the sector of electricity production and distribution, serving around 31 million clients nationwide and more than 65 million in 31 countries worldwide.

Energy & Utility
EMEA (Romania) & LATAM (Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile)
Work orders per year
Technicians involved


Optimizing and managing field activities related to the commercial and technical cycle processes

Managing a 2.2 million km-long distribution network located throughout the world and achieving 86 GW of net installed capacity in power generation plants, Enel is a true strategic player in the electricity sector. It is in charge of planning both the activities to be carried out on meters and the maintenance operations to be performed on technical assets. Such an important responsibility is made even more imperative if we think that over 65 million people rely on the on-time assignment and optimal execution of activities throughout the entire power line to enjoy a decent life, as electricity affects the daily life of all of us, as individuals and companies.


Unified process for an effective optimization of field activities performed globally

With a strong presence throughout the world, standardized guidelines need to be implemented by Enel subsidiaries located across the world, and specifically in Romania, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and Chile. In this way, the activities related to the commercial and technical cycles and executed globally can follow a common path, regardless of the country or the different back-end systems used, with definite benefits for the company and technicians, who can prove increased standards of performance and efficiency, and for end users, who register a reduction of both downtime and disruptions.

• Third-party integration
Integration with SAP and further legacy systems for the management of teams, emergencies, alerts, notifications, and work orders
• Optimization of the work order assignment
Optimization of the assignment of activities based on technicians’ skills and qualifications, as well as work order priority and constraints and transmission of the agenda to field technicians
• Mobile App and work order management
Access to the agenda detailing the activities assigned to field technicians via mobile device and possibility to accept work orders, view checklists, debrief activities even offline, collect signatures, and track both the job completion time and the parts used


Enel reached remarkable results in standardizing and optimizing the management of field activities performed globally:

Increased resource performance and process efficiency by using mobile devices by 20%

Reduced processing time from 4 min to 30 sec

Minimized downtime by standardizing the process

Generating clean energy from renewables is just the first step for Enel, as its business strategy embraces sustainability throughout every project phase. By adopting targeted actions and best practices to tackle climate change, it encourages the transition towards decarbonization, minimizing the environmental impact while maximizing performance, and brings economic and social benefits to local areas by promoting circular economy. In this way, the energy produced is affordable, sustainable, clean, and accessible to all communities around the world. By relying on cutting-edge solutions, OverIT Next-Gen FSM Platform allows Enel to minimize the environmental impact of activities, optimize the operational efficiency of plants, and ensure a responsible use of resources.

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