A new Field Service Management era

July 16, 2019

The world’s first zero-touch product allowing a complete hands-free vocal debriefing and workforce collaboration

For decades, our company has been internationally recognized for leadership, vision and product innovation. We pioneered the mobilization of Field Service, starting from paperless modalities, through the use of applications in off-line mode, to the achievement of the so-called Field Service revolution.

Our goal is clear: to simplify the operating procedures for field technicians.

OverIT heralds the dawn of a new era, where information can be accessed at any time through voice commands, allowing hands-free operations and therefore a greater focus on operating processes.

This results in enhanced safety at work and increased performance, with considerable advantages in terms of rapid and accurate task-execution as well as reduced time for collecting the information required and debriefing the operations performed.

Join the Field Service revolution!
Yesterday – Without OverIT

Field technicians viewed Service Orders info on the Geocall Mobile App, often leaving the device used in their van or toolbox

Today – With OverIT

Retrieving and viewing Service Orders’ data with an HMD and then performing the related vocal debriefing, totally hands-free

Reading technical data

Nvigating documents

Visualizing IoT data

Executing workflows

Capturing evidence (pictures, videos, …)

Dictating vocally (checks, outcomes, …)

Requesting remote mentoring

Creating and transferring knowledge